Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Details, Details...

So, this blog has been sitting dormant for a while and I feel like it's time to start using it for it's other intended purpose.  Originally, this blog was formed to document my journeys and spiritual discoveries during my month in Scotland.  But, my hope is that it might also be a forum for theological thought, reflection and conversation (with a good bit of life's humor thrown in).

So, this post is not only a reflection but an invitation.  I am excited about the potential for discussion and thought.  And, never be afraid to disagree with me (lots of people do...ha).  And off we go...


Lately, as part of my devotions in the morning, I have been reading back through the Old Testament.  I am now smack in the middle of what I consider to be the tedious part of Exodus which outlines the exact measurements and details for the tabernacle, the vestments for Aaron and his sons, and all the materials needed to build the tabernacle and the ark.  I was specifically reading Exodus 24-26 the other morning and I began to wonder:  doe God really care about details like curtain embroidery and decorative cherubim that much?!?!  I mean, seriously.  Is God that invested in interior design?  Don't get me wrong.  I went to seminary.  I know about the "Priestly" editors that put much of this material concerning the rules and regulations of the faith in the Old Testament.  However, details concerning the exact colors of the fabric of the tabernacle, the inlaid embroidery, even the gold clips, begs a deeper question:  How much does God care or how much is God really invested in the details of our lives?

For example, does God care what i do with my career? or dating life? or "free time" (I use that term loosely)?  Does God care about my eating habits or how clean my house is?  It sounds silly on one hand.  After all, I think God has much bigger problems to worry about than whether or not my dishes are clean.  But, on the other hand, God caring about the details has deep implications for how we interact with God and live our lives.

I am coming more and more to believe that God does care about the detail because it is the cumulative details that make up the whole of who we are and who we become.

After all, if our greatest claim as people of faith is that we are deeply, fully, (even absurdly) loved by God, wouldn't God care about every moment of our lives?  I think of people I love deeply.  Or, even more, I think of someone I love and feel protective of like my sister.  When I talk on the phone with my sister or get that chance to visit with her in person, we rarely talk about life-changing issues in our lives or in the world.  We talk about details.  And I hang on every word with such fascination and joy that you would think she was telling me the cosmic formula for world peace.  But, because I love her so much and, as her older sister, feel a certain investment in her life, those details are not only fascinating, but important to me.  They help me understand who she is more completely as the details are really what make up our everyday lives.

So, why should a God who not only loves us, but created us, and is invested in us so deeply not feel the same?  Wouldn't God be equally (if not more) invested in the details of our lives?

One caveat.  There is a difference in my mind between God caring about and controlling the details of our lives.  As a loving Creator, I don't think God is a puppet-master dictating the details of our lives.  Nor do I think that God changes God's mind on how much we are loved or cared for based on what sandwich I decide to order to lunch.  But, I believe God cares.  God cares deeply that we take care of our bodies and minds and souls every day.  God cares deeply how we treat people we encounter, even if it is just a head nod at someone while waiting for an elevator.  I think God cares that we live in a way that is in harmony with one another and creation.  And those aren't necessarily big things--they are the little details and minutiae that make up our day-to-day lives.

And, of course, thanks be to God there is always the gift of grace and forgiveness for when we get the details wrong!

Friday, April 20, 2012


Prague is an amazing city with so much to see and do! We did everything from take a bus tour to explore the castle to sit at the monastery. Probably,y the best partofthe day weas exploring the monastery. It is much less busy. The abbey church is beautiful and we even got to explore the cloisters which was awesome. Then we just sat in the bier garden drinking beer that thte monks made. It was delics. Now I'm not normally too much of a beer drinker, but this stuff was delicious! We had beer, goulash soup, and fried camembert cheese with cranberries (a local speciality). it was so delicious and fun watching all the people and sitting and talking!

After, we decided we would take the Funicular rail down the castle hill to the river. And we got all turned around getting to the upper station. At one point we walked by and abandoned stadium and then through apartments that were clearly remnants of the Communiset era. It was a little creepy, but hilarious. The people who lived there and were walking around seemed as confused as us as to why we were up there. Finally we found the Funicular and took it down to the river.

After dinner, Erin, Karen and I jumped our overnight train to Budapest. The conductor was so sweet to us and promised he would wake us up a half hour before our stop. AFter that he asked if, when he cameto wake us up, we wanted tea or coffee. Any man who brings me coffee the moment I wake upis an angel in my book. So, iffy the train. I'm sure I'll sleep like a baby even if I am on the top of a triple bunk!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Start to another Adventure!

Well, it seems this blog gets the most use when I am traveling. I am writing from a hostel in Prague at the moment. We arrived around 10:30 this morning and were at City Center ready to go by noon. we wandered around Old Town, across Charles Bridge and even made the hike up to the castle--wandering around the grounds and visiting the Cathedral and the Old Palace.

I am traveling with two AMAZING women and we are already having a blast! I appreciate being with people who appreciate seeing the world and truly experiencing other cultures. After wandering the castle grounds we stumbled upon a little vineyard on the side of the Castle Rock (oh darn!!! Haha). We each got a glass of the house wine and shared a cheese plate. And there we sat, the castle behind us and the rest of Prague laid out below us. At that point Karen (one of my travel buddies) just sighed and said, "can you believe we are drinking wine in Prague?!?!...we are so blessed!". I couldn't agree more! Cheers to another amazing adventure! I am so blessed!