Sunday, May 29, 2011


One afternoon I took a trip out to Roslin to see the Roslyn Chapel--made famous by the
DaVinci Code book by Dan Brown. It is an amazing building, a 15th century chapel built by the St. Clair family. Every inch of it is intricately carved and symbolic. It is a very mysterious chapel with lots of interesting symbolism that can be dual Christian/Celtic symbols or Mason/Christian or even Priory/Christian symbolism. There are also some curious carvings like pictures of maize from the US even though, at the time the chapel was built, Columbus hadn't even been to the Americas yet.

Nonetheless, it is a chapel under repair and reconstruction, but an amazing place with some definite mystery and intrigue. Worth the visit.

1 comment:

  1. touring old museums and buildings always humbles me as an American at how young we are as a nation and the rapidity of our ascendancy in the world. There's got to be more to it than the "flavor of the month" scenario.
